The Dew From Heaven
The power to heal, as taught by James (see James 5:14-15), was also frequently exercised by the Prophet in Ohio. One of the earliest evidences of the gift of healing led to the conversion of the John Johnson family, as well as of a Methodist minister, Ezra Booth. John and Elsa Johnson had come from Hiram, Ohio, with Ezra Booth to meet this man of God they had heard so much about since his arrival in Kirtland. In their first interview, the Prophet asked Elsa Johnson if she believed that God could heal her arm, using him as an instrument. Her reply was yes. Joseph remarked simply that he would visit her the next day. The next day he went to the home of Bishop Newel K. Whitney, where the Johnsons were staying. During a conversation concerning the supernatural gifts conferred in the days of the apostles, someone said, “Here is Mrs. Johnson with a lame arm; has God given any power to man on earth to cure her?” In a few moments the conversation had turned to another subject, when quietly Joseph Smith got up from his chair and walked to Elsa Johnson. Taking her by the hand, he said, “in the most solemn and impressive manner: ‘Woman, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I command thee to be whole.'” Immediately he left the house. “The company were awe-stricken at the infinite presumption of the man, and the calm assurance with which he spoke.” Ezra Booth then asked Elsa if her arm was healed. “She immediately stretched out her arm straight, remarking at the same time, ‘it’s as well as the other.'”
A miracle is when God intercedes in the normal course of human events. Miracles, from large to small, are astonishing and inexplicable, except to say that they either came from God, some other intelligent being or are a terrific coincidence. When someone exercises faith in God, and witnesses the power of God, they grow in their confidence of God. Miracles can happen at any time. They are not myths from some bygone era.
On March 7, 2015 a farmer near Payson, Utah called police when he spied a car upside down in the river. The police arrived and while looking at the scene heard a female voice call for help. They jumped in the icy water and approached the car and saw that the driver was dead. She had died when the accident happened, some 14 hours earlier. Along with the driver was a baby, but the baby was not breathing and no pulse could be detected. They rushed her to an ambulance. The technicians practiced CPR, and the baby started breathing about 6 minutes later. The baby, Lily, recovered completely.
Continued Reading: Near Death Experiences